Land Management

Relationship and Differences among CS, SA, and RS Deeds

CS (Cadastral Survey), SA (State Acquisition), and RS (Revisional Survey) deeds are three crucial stages of land ownership and land records in Bangladesh.

✅ CS (Cadastral Survey) Deed:

  • Conducted during the British period (1888-1940) through land surveys.
  • CS Khatian is prepared to determine the quantity and ownership of land.
  • Known as the primary land record.

✅ SA (State Acquisition) Deed:

  • Introduced after the abolition of the Zamindari system in 1950.
  • New Khatian is prepared by modifying the CS deed in this survey.
  • Changes in land ownership occurred due to government acquisition.

✅ RS (Revisional Survey) Deed:

  • Introduced after independence for modernization purposes.
  • Errors in the CS and SA surveys are corrected, and a new RS Khatian is prepared.
  • RS Khatian is the most reliable for verifying current land ownership.

📌 Interrelationship of CS, SA, and RS:

  • Land records have been updated in the CS → SA → RS stages.
  • While the CS deed is the fundamental basis, the RS Khatian is more accepted for final ownership verification.
  • To ensure the history of the land, it is important to cross-check CS, SA, and RS Khatians together.****************************