Karnaphuli Tunnel: A White Elephant or a Gateway to Potential?

The Karnaphuli Tunnel, constructed beneath the Karnaphuli River to connect Patenga and Anwara in the southern part of Chattogram city, was built at a cost of 10,000 crore BDT. Out of this, 6,000 crore BDT was borrowed from China Exim Bank. Repayment of the loan is set to begin this year.

Concerns have already been raised about the tunnel’s effectiveness, as revenue collection has been significantly lower than its operating expenses. Many have labeled it a “white elephant” project. This is because the initial estimate projected approximately 18,000 vehicles would use the tunnel daily, whereas only around 4,000 vehicles are currently using it. The tunnel’s daily operating cost is 3.5 million BDT, while revenue stands at only 700,000 to 800,000 BDT. As a result, questions about the tunnel’s economic viability are being raised.

That said, it can be confidently stated that this tunnel has opened doors to immense potential for the southern part of Chattogram and Cox’s Bazar district. The area recognized as Chattogram city mainly lies to the north of the Karnaphuli River. Due to inadequate transportation infrastructure, the city could not expand significantly to the river’s southern part. Now, the opportunity has arisen to extend the city, along with its commercial and residential areas, to the southern part of Chattogram.

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